Temiskaming Pleasure Horse Club
Copyright © 2023 Temiskaming Pleasure Horse Club.
2024 Mounted Games Division Class List
Novice division is open to riders new to the sport and/or not
comfortable at the canter.
Open division is for riders comfortable at the canter, these riders
must mount and dismount unassisted
Cost per pair is $30.00, equating $15.00 per rider.
At each show ribbons will be distributed to pairs placing first, second and third.
Year-end awards are presented to the pairs that have competed in three or more competitions with the same partner and
have accumulated the greatest amount of points. Top three pairs of each division will be rewarded. Riders must have a
TPHC membership to qualify for year end awards.
Mounted Games is a branch of equestrian sports in which fast paced agility games
are played. These games require a pair of riders! The team requires athletic ability,
competent riding skills, great hand-to-eye coordination, determination,
perseverance, and a competitive spirit; which nevertheless requires an ability to
work together with other riders and a willingness to help one another.
All game rules are sited from the International Mounted Games Association. Scan
QR code to access the Rule Book.
Proper Attire
All riders must wear the following:
Approved helmets must be worn by all riders.
Proper footwear with min. ¼ “heel
English or Western tack is permitted
NO spurs allowed
Year-end awards are awarded to the pairs that have competed in 3 or more competitions with
the same partner and have accumulated the most amount of points (top 2 for each division)