Temiskaming Pleasure Horse Club
Copyright © 2023 Temiskaming Pleasure Horse Club

Resource Links

Equine Canada

The TPHC English Division follows the Equine

Canada rules.

Mounted Games

The TPHC Mounted Games Division follows the

rules from the International Mounted Games


National Barrel Horse Association

The TPHC Western Games Division is proud to

offer a National Barrel Horse Association

Sanctioned Show.


KidSport™ is a grass roots Canadian non-profit

organization that provides support to under-

resourced children and youth 18 years of age

and under across the country by removing

financial barriers that prevent them from

playing organized sport.

Ontario Equestrian Youth Bursary

Ontario Equestrian proudly offers a minimum

of five $1,000 bursaries every year to junior

members to help them achieve their equestrian

goals. The OE Youth Bursary is aimed at

supporting young horse persons of all

disciplines who are current OE members, full-

time high school students and where financial

resources and/or personal hardship is a

significant impediment to them reaching their

equestrian goals..


Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities is a

registered charity (#1379 29 451 RR0002)

dedicated to removing financial barriers so kids

across Canada have the opportunity to get off

the sidelines and get into the game. Jumpstart’s

core purpose is to enrich the lives of kids (from

4 to 18) in need through sports and physical

activity. We assist with the costs associated

with registration, equipment and/or

transportation. Jumpstart helps kids explore a

range of options by supporting over 70

different activities, including horseback riding
Temiskaming Pleasure Horse Club
Copyright © 2023 Temiskaming Pleasure Horse Club.



Equine Canada

The TPHC English

Division follows the

Equine Canada rules. services/rules

Mounted Games

The TPHC Mounted

Games Division follows

the rules from the

International Mounted

Games Association.

National Barrel

Horse Association

The TPHC Western

Games Division is proud

to offer a National

Barrel Horse

Association Sanctioned

Show. ge=home


KidSport™ is a grass

roots Canadian non-

profit organization that

provides support to


children and youth 18

years of age and under

across the country by

removing financial

barriers that prevent

them from playing

organized sport. /timiskaming/

Ontario Equestrian

Youth Bursary

Ontario Equestrian

proudly offers a

minimum of five

$1,000 bursaries every

year to junior members

to help them achieve

their equestrian goals.

The OE Youth Bursary is

aimed at supporting

young horse persons of

all disciplines who are

current OE members,

full-time high school

students and where

financial resources

and/or personal

hardship is a significant

impediment to them

reaching their

equestrian goals.. s/youth-bursary/


Canadian Tire

Jumpstart Charities is a

registered charity

(#1379 29 451 RR0002)

dedicated to removing

financial barriers so kids

across Canada have the

opportunity to get off

the sidelines and get

into the game.

Jumpstart’s core

purpose is to enrich the

lives of kids (from 4 to

18) in need through

sports and physical

activity. We assist with

the costs associated

with registration,

equipment and/or


Jumpstart helps kids

explore a range of

options by supporting

over 70 different

activities, including

horseback riding nt/microsites/jumpstart/en.html